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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Planning for The Pacific Coast Highway - PCH

Common travel desitination when in California is to visit Yosemite, Salt Lake City, Death Valey, Las Vegas and so on. Great destinations! I'm planning to extend my business trip to Los Angeles with a week to travel the PCH from L.A. to San Fransisco. A  famous trip down the California Coast on Highway one.

At this moment I'm not yet sure which stops to make and where to stay. So let's find out what are the must see sites along the road. Hit the road!


Unknown said...


Some starting points:
1. Go and watch the movie Sideways that plays in wine country just north of Santa Barbara. Go and stay in the Days Inn in Buellton and eat in the Hitching Post. Go and visit the movie sites.,+114+East+Highway+246,+Buellton,+California&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=75.786567,84.287109&ie=UTF8&hq=Days+Inn+Buellton,&hnear=114+E+Hwy+246,+Buellton,+Santa+Barbara,+California+93427&ll=34.753461,-120.253601&spn=0.621699,0.658493&z=11
2. Go to Sycamore Springs Resort. You don't have to stay, but just rent a private tub for another when passing thru:

Not your everyday tourist attractions.

Have fun

Ard van Someren said...

Thanks Aad, will consider your advise.