Ard gedeelde items

Friday, May 22, 2009

Education - does the ability for students to access work and applications from anywhere make sense?

...on 21th of may 2009 Christopher Dawson - technology director for the Athol-Royalston School District in northern Massachusetts wrote: does make a lot of sense for students to be able to access their work and applications from anywhere. Whether they are home sick and simply need to get their homework turned, they lack the resources for a computer of their own, or their schools are looking for a cost-effective way to deliver a standardized desktop with minimal hardware investment...

In his example he is relating the fact of being ill to the ability to still follow lessons. Chris states it is ofcourse an example and not the main reason to use this technology to accomplish the final goal, but still it is usefull. The technology presents a way to respond on these kind of events.

Cloud computing is NOT the holy grail, but a way to fit education to the demands of the future.

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